About the Author

Writing under the pseudonym “PJSE”, the author grew up on the European continent, achieving a Master of Science degree with distinction, and has spent over 25 years in industry, with the past decade living in Switzerland.

Book description: This book is the opening work of the first aphorism of PJSE, and is entitled "Pjse" (pronounced "pe....zer"). With highly successful people self-identifying as having Synesthesia such as artists: David Hockney & Wassily Kandinsky; Musicians: Billie Eilish, Beyoncé Knowles, Richard Wagner, Kanye West, Pharrel Williams; Scientist: Nikola Tesla; and Actors: Marilyn Monroe & Stephanie Morgenstern; - this book is a fascinating and thought-provoking walk-through of known facts with proposed theories to explain our reason for being.